Are you having a bit of trouble with your submittal to the City of Roseville?

Check out the Questions & Answers below for some helpful instructions and videos on how to resolve the most common issues. 

Please note that the troubleshooting suggestions and screenshots included on this page have been created using Adobe Acrobat Pro. Other PDF tools (e.g. Nitro, Foxit, Bluebeam, etc.) may offer similar solutions that have not been outlined here.


How do I flatten the layers of my Adobe PDF?


Each 'Plan' (or 'Plan set') must be saved as a flattened/optimized PDF. Flatten the drawing layers in your CAD program prior to creating the PDF, or use the 'Save As' Flattened and/or/Optimized PDF option available in your PDF tool. Note: Plans that contain 'Layers' are not acceptable. Watch the video on the left to see how to flatten a PDF document that has layers.  

How do I find my pre-application number?


Watch the video on the left to see how to find your Pre-Application or Permit number in the Online Permitting Services (OPS) Portal.

How do I digitally sign a document?


Watch the video on the left to see how to create a digital signature and use it to sign your document/form digitally.  

How do I create a single PDF file from a PDF portfolio?


If the Plan set consists of multiple files they must be merged into a single PDF file. The City of Roseville does not accept files submitted in Adobe Acrobat Portfolios. Watch the video on the left to see how to create a single PDF file from a Portfolio.

How do I reduce the file size of my PDF if it is greater than 195 MB?


PDF file size must not exceed 195MB in size. To verify your file is in compliance, open the file and select “File” then “Properties” to view the File Size.

If your file is too large, you can reduce the file size. Watch the video on the left to see how to reduce the file size and optimize your PDF file.

How do I remove the password protection from my Adobe PDF file?


The City of Roseville is unable to accept password protected or locked PDF documents for review. Electronic plan reviews are conducted on copies of the original files provided. The original PDF’s are not changed in any manner. Watch the video on the left to see how to remove the password protection from your file.

How do I remove nested bookmarks from my Adobe PDF?


Plan sets are required to have bookmarks to facilitate the electronic plan review process. Each sheet shall be indexed or bookmarked by discipline and the actual sheet number of the discipline as shown in the example below. Bookmarks must not be created in folders and subfolders or "nested". Watch the video on the left to see how to remove the nesting if it is already present.

How do I correct the page size of my document if they're larger than 36" x 48"?


PDF files must not have page sizes larger than 36” x 48”. To check that pages are properly sized, open the document and hover over the bottom left corner of the page. Scroll through each page to make sure the page size is not larger than 36” x 48”. Watch the video on the left to see how to update the page size. 

How do I update the page orientation, so that all of my pages are upright?


Pages (sheets) must all be properly oriented, meaning content is upright, not sideways or upside down, so that the document can be viewed without rotation. To check that pages are properly oriented, open the document and do a ‘print preview’. Scroll through each page in the preview window to make sure the pages are properly oriented. Watch the video on the left to see how to update the page orientation if necessary. 

How do I update the page size of my document if I've scanned it from a paper document?


Paper plans scanned from a photocopy to PDF format are acceptable, but should be legible and meet the file naming convention. Be sure to check that the scanned pages do not have irregular sizes. If your page size is irregular, you can standardize it by printing to pdf and resaving the file. Watch the video on the left to see how to update the page size if necessary.