The City of Roseville and the Roseville Housing Authority strive to provide fair and reasonable access to a variety of housing types with an assurance of providing affordable housing choices for our residents. The City of Roseville has a General Plan goal that 10% of all new housing be developed as affordable housing units to serve households at very low (50% of Area Median Income), low (80% of Area Median Income) and middle/median (100% of Area Median Income), and moderate (120% of Area Median Income) income levels. This range of affordability is provided in both rental and ownership units within new housing developments. The breakdown of the affordable units will be, at a minimum 40% for rental to very low and 40% for rental to low-income households.  The remaining 20% may be reserved for middle income purchase or distributed among the rental obligations.

The 2024 Affordable Rental Units Map shows the historic, current and future rental units located in the City of Roseville as well as the disbursement of affordable obligations throughout the City.  Since 1989, the City’s affordable housing policies have produced 4,102 affordable housing units, as further described in the following table:

Unit Affordability and Tenure Type

Production Total

Very Low Income Rental

967 Units

Low Income Rental

1635 Units

Middle Income Rental

388 Units

Moderate Income Rental

325 Units

Very Low Income Purchase

16 Units

Low Income Purchase

502 Units

Middle Income Purchase

250 Units

Moderate Income Purchase

16 Units

Total Units Produced

4,102 units

This production total amounts to an average of approximately 120 affordable units developed per year. Success of this program has been based on the City’s commitment to its goal and its collaborative process with development proposals in the production of this housing, as well as partnerships with local affordable housing developers.

Of the affordable purchase units produced, here is the overview of current affordability in these units:
    42% of affordable owners are current in their loans;
    42% of affordable owners have repaid their loans or the affordable subsidy, reinvesting it into the City's program; and
    16% of affordable owners defaulted during the housing recession.

In an effort to provide affordable housing programs, the City also accesses a variety of affordable housing funding programs, including Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Housing Bonds, City Housing Trust Fund and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program funds, and acts as a Housing Authority in the provision of local Housing Choice Vouchers that provide rental assistance. The City-administered rental assistance program provides rental assistance to approximately 686 low income households, including families, veterans, seniors, and persons with disabilities. Roseville’s Housing Choice Voucher program provides clean and safe housing for families and brings approximately $4.5 million annually to the City’s economy.

CDBG and HOME funds are primarily used to assist low-income owners in the maintenance, safety and upkeep of their home. Annually, the City provides CDBG funds to assist low-income owners in home repair items like repainting the exterior of their homes, addressing lead-based paint issues, completing more substantial rehabilitation for household health and safety, and installing the necessary accessible features for a household with a senior or person with disabilities. 

The City of Roseville prides itself in providing an affordable housing program that assists a range of household needs at varying income levels. The City estimates that its combined affordable housing programs serve over 9,100 residents. Although, Roseville’s comprehensive approach has a long-standing history of producing affordable housing we continue to pursue new and innovative opportunities to further our housing goals.

Housing Element
The purpose of the Housing Element is to identify and analyze existing and projected housing needs in an effort to preserve, improve, and develop housing for all economic segments of the community. The Roseville Housing Element is an eight-year proactive document, comprising guidelines for the long-term development of housing in the city.

Inclusionary Units (AB987)
In accordance with the requirements of AB987, passed by the California State Legislature (2007), this worksheet describes existing and substantially rehabilitated housing units developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, including units counted to meet inclusionary and replacement housing obligations and is available for public review. Please be aware that this is only a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted through the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Roseville (RDA). This is not a listing of currently available housing. This database is updated annually.

Roseville Redevelopment Agency Affordable Housing - Inclusionary Units