Updated January 07, 2019

Water use in California, and even in Roseville, can be reduced significantly with proper irrigation techniques or installing a landscape that is both beautiful and water wise.
That's why Roseville water customers have a chance to win a free water-wise front yard makeover from Environmental Utilities. Customers can submit a photo, video and their top reason why they should win a re-imagined, low water use front yard. Customers can enter to win at www.sustainthegains.org through February 3, 2019.
“Roseville water customers value water and it was very evident during our most recent drought. As with many things, sustaining those water-wise behaviors are important even when water supplies are ample and healthy,” said Bobby Alvarez, water efficiency administrator with the city’s Environmental Utilities. “A vast majority of water use in our area is a result of outdoor watering. We want customers to use water to maintain their landscapes but do it in a way that is efficient and best use of resources. For these reasons, we have launched this landscape contest to bring light to continued water efficiency no matter what the water supply conditions are.”
Last year, the winners of the first contest were 23-year Roseville residents. Their low water-use landscape makeover included a custom landscape design, new irrigation and low water-use plants that worked for them and their yard. These Roseville residents have already reduced water use by 24,000 gallons annually and on tap to save even more.
The “Sustain the Gains” contest educates the public about the Environmental Utilities’ Cash for Grass program aimed at helping Roseville residents convert their water-thirsty grass to a beautiful, water-efficient landscape. Through the Cash for Grass program, Roseville residents can receive $1.00 per square foot to a maximum of $1,000 per household of turf grass removed when replaced with a water-efficient landscape.
To learn more about the terms and conditions of the Sustain the Gains landscape makeover or to enter to win, visit www.sustainthegains.org.