The City of Roseville Fiscal Year 2024-25 proposed budget will be considered for adoption by City Council at the regular meeting beginning 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 19. This expenditure budget totals $768 million, with $229 million allocated to the General Fund operating budget and $539 million primarily dedicated to utilities such as electric, water, wastewater, and waste services. Revenues citywide total $799 million.

General Fund
The General Fund budget encompasses essential services including Police, Fire, Parks, Recreation & Libraries, and other City government functions. The FY2024-25 General Fund operating budget includes $229 million in revenues and expenditures.
Budget Priorities
The FY2024-25 budget accounts for rising labor costs and other unavoidable expenses. It prioritizes maintaining current service levels, addressing City Council priorities, and ensuring adherence to state and federal regulations. The budget includes funding for:
- Strengthening Public Safety: Bolstering the Police Social Services Unit and Threat Assessment Unit.
- Sustaining Fire Department Operations: Conducting a fire academy to maintain staffing levels.
- Enhancing Park Maintenance: In-sourcing park maintenance services for improved upkeep at reduced costs.
- Ensuring Environmental Compliance: Increasing Environmental Utilities staffing for state regulations.
- Improving Traffic Management: Boosting Traffic Operations Center staffing for better monitoring.
- Investing in Infrastructure: Funding capital projects including electric substations, parking improvements, park amenities, streetscape improvements, and roadway resurfacing.
- Addressing Financial Liabilities: Paying down unfunded liabilities for fiscal health.
- Securing Financial Reserves: Fully funding General Fund reserves for stability.
Strategic Plan Alignment
The budget aligns with the City Council's Strategic Plan goals, which are:
- Ensure a safe and healthy community.
- Remain fiscally responsible in a changing world.
- Enhance economic vitality.
- Invest in well-planned infrastructure and growth.
- Support community engagement and advocacy.
- Deliver exceptional City services.
Examples of initiatives and accomplishments tied to each goal can be found within the budget document.
Budget Information
The FY2024-25 proposed budget is available at Our Budget in Brief offers a high-level view of expenses, revenues and budget priorities in the proposed budget. Past year’s budgets, quarterly reports, and information about the City’s budget process can be found at Also, current year budget data, including interactive visuals, is available on the City’s Open Budget platform at The FY2024-25 budget will be included in Open Budget after adoption by the City Council.
How can I participate in the budget process?
We invite you to attend the upcoming City Council meeting where the budget will be considered for adoption: 6 p.m., Wednesday June 19. The meeting will be held at the City Council Chambers, 311 Vernon St. in Downtown Roseville. If unable to attend, you can view the meetings live at or