
Shape the future of public transit and active transportation in your community.

Participate in Transportation 360 and help the City of Roseville update master plans to provide a comprehensive road map for future Roseville Transit services and improvements to our pedestrian and bike network. View the project timeline at the bottom of the page. 

Get involved

Weigh in on draft Roseville Transit concepts.

These changes include updating Arrow on-demand service and reconfiguring Local and Commuter bus routes to elevate the transit experience, promote sustainable urban mobility, and enhance data-driven decision-making in transit planning.

Take a look at the draft concepts and share your input. Public feedback is important and will help shape future changes.

View draft and provide your feedback by Tuesday, Sept. 17


A second interactive map showing draft bike and pedestrian network improvements is anticipated for public release and comment in fall 2024. A public open house will also be held this fall. Sign up to be notified.



     Project Timeline


Subject to change