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Roseville Solar 2.0 - All New Solar Customers interconnected ON or AFTER October 1, 2018
The State of California allows electric utilities to implement a new solar buyback rate once solar exceeds 5% of the utility's system peak. Roseville Electric Utility now exceeds 5% solar. Effective October 1, 2018, per the Roseville Solar 2.0 program, customers who install new solar systems, or expand their existing systems by 10% or more, will be credited $0.0691 cents per kilowatt hour of energy sent to the grid.  This change will not effect existing solar customers before 2028. Existing customers will continue with net energy metering for up to 20 years (10 minimum) from the date of system interconnection.

Roseville Solar 2.0 Program - Roseville Solar 2.0 rate classification, see City of Roseville's Municipal Code section 14.24.020 for complete language.

All new customers, interconnected on or after October 1, 2018, who install a solar system will now be enrolled in Roseville Electric Utility's monthly Roseville Solar 2.0 program. Effective October 1, 2018, the NEM rate will be closed to new customers without an active solar building permit.

Expanding your existing solar systems more than 10%?

Effective October 1, 2018, existing NEM customers can expand their existing system by up to 10 percent and remain on the NEM rate. Customers who expand their systems by 10 percent or more will be transferred from NEM to the Roseville Solar 2.0 program and rate schedule.

The solar buyback rate will change for customers who transfer from NEM to Roseville Solar 2.0. The surplus energy compensation rate will move from Net Energy Metering to Roseville Solar 2.0, see electric rates page for more details.

Solar Customer Buyback Rate

Net Energy Metering - Surplus Energy Compensation Rate ($/kWh)


Roseville Solar 2.0 - Surplus Energy Compensation Rate ($/kWh)


What is the transition period for existing NEM customers to Roseville Solar 2.0?
Customers eligible for the NEM rate shall remain on the NEM rate until October 1, 2028, or through a period of 20 years from the last date of interconnection of the eligible renewable energy generation facility, whichever is later.

Roseville Solar 2.0 Rate - Roseville Solar 2.0 rate, see City of Roseville's Municipal Code, section 14.21.051 for complete language. 
Roseville solar 2.0 rate is applicable to customer-generators with eligible renewable generation such as solar, wind, and/or solar/wind hybrid electric system interconnections of less than one megawatt (1 MW) once the NEM rate and standard net metering are closed to new customers as noted above.
The Roseville Solar 2.0 rate applies to eligible renewable generation systems which are;

  • interconnected on or after October 1, 2018,
  • solar, wind, and/or solar/wind hybrid electric,
  • located on the premises of the end user customer-generator, where the customer-generator’s own electricity demand is located,
  • interconnected behind the electric meter of record,
  • generating system that meets no more than 100 percent of the customer-generator’s annual energy (kWh) usage but is less than or equal to 1,000 kW, as defined in Roseville Electric Rule 21 standards for interconnection,
  • and the generating system must operate in parallel with the city’s electric utility system, and be designed to offset part of, but no more than 100 percent, of the customer-generator’s meter of record total annual kilowatt-hour electric load.

All eligible customer-generators receiving service under the Roseville solar 2.0 rate shall pay all applicable electric monthly basic service charges and other charges identified by state law and/or city ordinance as a mandatory charge according to the terms and conditions of the rate which the customer-generator would be assigned to, or be eligible for, if the customer-generator was not an eligible customer-generator over a normal billing cycle.

The Roseville Solar 2.0 rate applies to eligible customer-generators. Monthly customer generated kWh received by the utility shall be compensated at the surplus energy compensation rate:

  • The surplus energy compensation rate shall be $0.0691 per kWh. This rate is subject to revision by the city council as energy prices and system requirements change.

The Roseville Solar 2.0 rate on billings shall be as follows:

  • All energy (kWh) delivered and received after the customer-generator serves its own instantaneous load shall be measured by a multi-register meter.
  • The customer-generator will be billed consumption charges for the energy delivered to the customer by Roseville Electric Utility, based on the customer’s applicable rate.
  • In the event the energy generated by the customer exceeds the energy consumed, Roseville Electric Utility will receive that energy and the customer will receive a credit which shall be compensated at the surplus energy compensation rate.
  • The customer-generator must pay any amount due for energy consumption upon receipt of the monthly bill.

Roseville Solar 2.0 Metering
For all new solar systems, and existing systems expanding more than 10%, a Roseville Solar 2.0 multi-register electric meter shall be installed. The meter is capable of measuring the customer-generator's kWh consumption from the Utility's electric grid, and in the event the energy generated by the solar system exceeds the energy consumed, the meter will also measure the kWh that Roseville Electric Utility receives back to the electric grid from the customer-generator's solar energy system. All energy (kWh) delivered and received after the customer-generator serves its own instantaneous load shall be measured by the multi-register meter.

Roseville Electric Utility's multi-register energy metering rules and processes are generally in line with other net metering successor programs throughout California. Once the interconnection is approved, a service order to install a multi-register Roseville Solar 2.0 electric meter at your home will be processed. Following the meter installation, the Utility Billing department will update your account to reflect the location a Roseville Solar 2.0 energy metered account. This rate provides value to you if you have an active solar system at your home or business. Under Roseville Solar 2.0, your multi-register electric meter keeps track of the electricity you consume and the electricity you deliver to Roseville Electric Utility within each billing period.

Monthly utility billing is available to Roseville Solar 2.0 customers. Customers will receive a monthly utility bill due and payable each month, just like you received prior to the solar system installation. Annual billing is not available for Roseville Solar 2.0 customers.

What is a multi-register electric meter and why do I need one?
As of October 1, 2018, homes installing solar now need a special "multi-register" electric meter which is certified to accurately record both the power used from the utility and the surplus generation sent back to the utility. Most customers have a simple electric meter that is designed to measure the flow of electricity only from Roseville Electric Utility to the customer. To receive the full benefit of your solar system, you need a "multi-register electric meter" installed. This is important in solar installations because during high producing times of the day the system may generate more than the home needs, sending excess energy back to the utility. Customers installing solar will be assessed the cost for the new multi-register meter upgrade and installation if a one is not already installed at the location.

How does a multi-register electric meter work?
When the solar system is operating during the day, it is possible to have times when the solar system produces more energy than the home is using. When this happens the excess energy generated automatically goes through the multi-register electric meter into Roseville Electric Utility's distribution grid, and the energy will go towards a credit on your account. At other times of the day, your electric use may be higher than the solar system is producing, and you must rely on additional power from Roseville Electric Utility. When this happens the energy consumed is registered by the multi-register electric meter and goes toward the energy charges on your account. This multi-register meter will not affect the quality of the electric power supplied.


To see the presentation presented to the City Council on September 6, 2017 click here.

To find out if solar is right for you and for information on how to install it, visit our "Your Trusted Solar Advisor" site, click here.