ducks on Dry Creek

Please check this page for periodic postings of Environment Documents and Public Notices related to projects located within the City of Roseville. You can also view archived environmental documents here.

You may email the Planning Division at: [email protected]

City of Roseville Projects

View Aquifer Storage and Recovery Program - Monitoring Wells - Notice of Exemption 
 View  Community Solar Project 
View Housing Element Addendum 
View Hughes Park Trail Project
View Industrial Avenue Bridge Replacement Project
View Louis Orlando Transfer Point Project
View Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
 View Roseville Independent Redistricting Commission - Notice of Exemption
 View Routine Maintenance of Stream Channels and Drainage Facilities
 View Shadowbrook Lift Station and Force Main Project
 View South Placer County District Transportation Expenditure Plan - Notice of Exemption 
  View  Weber Park Renovation Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard Widening Project

Aquifer Storage and Recovery Program

View Notice of Availability
View Draft Supplemental EIR

Dry Creek Greenway East Trail Project - A Multi-Use Trail Along Dry, Cirby, and Linda Creeks from Riverside Avenue to Old Auburn Road

View Notice of Availability
View Cover
View Table of Contents 
View 1.0 Introduction
View 2.0 Summary 
 View  3.0 Project Description 
 View  4.0 Environmental Setting 
 View  4.1 Aesthetics 
 View  4.2 Air Quality 
 View  4.3 Biological Resources 
View 4.4 Cultural Resources 
View 4.5 Geology and Soils  
 View  4.6 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 
 View  4.7 Hazards and Hazardous Materials  
View 4.8 Hydrology and Water Quality
 View  4.9 Land Use and Planning 
View 4.10 Noise 
View 4.11 Public Services 
View 4.12 Recreation
 View  4.13 Transportation and Circulation 
View 4.14 Utilities 
 View  5.0 Other CEQA Considerations 
View 6.0 Alternatives 
 View  7.0 References 
View 8.0 Report Preparation
View Appendix A - Notice of Preparation 
 View  Appendix B - Comment Letters
View Appendix C - Air Quality Modeling 
 View  Appendix D - Bio Data
 View  Appendix E - GHG Modeling
View Appendix F - Fluvial Audit 
 View  Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
View Addendum to the EIR  
 View  Addendum - Notice of Determination

East Site Radio Communication Tower

View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
View Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
View Notice of Determination 

Oak Ridge Drive Bridge Replacement

View Public Notice
View Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
View Section 4(F) De Minimis Finding
       Pleasant Grove Boulevard Widening Project
 View  Draft Subsequent Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Appendices

Pleasant Grove Stormwater Retention Basin Project

View Notice of Preparation of a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report

Pleasant Grove Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion

View CEQA-Plus Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
View Comments, Responses, and Errata
        Roseville Digital Billboard Project
 View  Notice of Determination 
 View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
        Roseville Environmental Utilities Operations Center
 View Notice of Preparation and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting 
        Roseville Parkway Extension Project
 View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Appendices
        Roseville Parkway Widening Project
 View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Subsequent Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
        Roseville Retention Basin Project
 View Final Environmental Impact Report
 View Draft Environmental Impact Report
 View Appendix A - Notice of Preparation and Initial Study
  View  Appendix B - Scoping Comments and City Responses to Written Comment Letters 
 View Appendix C - Emission Calculations 
 View Appendix D - Special Status Species
        Roseville Sports Complex
 View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
  View  Attachment A Concept Plans
 View Attachment B.1 Design Plans - Part 1 
 View Attachment B.2 Design Plans - Part 2
 View Attachment C Visual Simulations and Graphics
 View Attachment D Light Analysis 
  View  Attachment E Air Quality and GHG Model Runs 
  View  Attachment F Biological Technical Memorandum 
 View Attachment G Cultural Resources Letter Report 
  View  Attachment H Transportation Impact Study 
 View Attachment I Environmental Noise Assessment 
        Sierra Vista Apartments
 View Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (English) 
 View Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (Spanish)
  View  Environmental Assessment 

       Washington Boulevard / All America City Boulevard Roundabout Project

 View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
       Washington Boulevard / Andora Bridge Improvement Project
 View Notice of Availability
 View Draft Environmental Impact Report 
 View Noise Study Report 
  View  Noise Study Report Appendices 
 View Air Quality Conformity Analysis 
 View Air Quality Study Report 
 View Air Quality POAQC  
 View Resources Evaluated Relative to the Requirements of Section 4(f)  
 View Visual Impact Assessment  
 View Natural Environment Study  
 View Community Impact Assessment 
 View Draft Noise Abatement Decision Report  
 View Draft Initial Site Assessment/Preliminary Site Investigation 
 View Appendix A -  Notice of Preparation and Public Comments 
 View Appendix B - Final Transportation Study and Technical Memorandum  
 View Appendix C - Air Quality Analysis Assumptions 

Current Private Development Projects

Bee Shine Car Wash

View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Champion Oaks GPA & Rezone

View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Oakleaf Estates

View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View  Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Review Period Extension Memo 
View  Traffic Study

Roseville Industrial Park

View Notice of Preparation of EIR and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting
 View  Notice of Availability - Roseville Industrial Park Draft EIR 
View Notice of Completion - Roseville Industrial Park Draft EIR 
 View  Roseville Industrial Park Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) 
View Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix A - NOP & Comments
View Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix B - Transportation Data
 View  Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix C - Health Risk Assessment
 View  Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix D - Greenhouse Gas
View Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix E - Noise
 View  Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix G - Hazards
 View Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix H - Utilities
 View Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix I - Drainage Memo
 View Roseville Industrial Park DEIR Appendix J - Energy

WellSpace Health

View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View  Notice of Determination - Planning Commission 
 View   Notice of Determination - City Council

Approved Private Development Projects

View Adventist Health Headquarters
View Automall Electronic Reader Board
 View  Community Solar Project
         1028 Main Street Subdivision
 View Notice of Determination
 View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
         AHC of Roseville Skilled Nursing Facility
 View Notice of Determination
 View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 

Atkinson Self-Storage

View Negative Declaration

Baseline Storage

View Negative Declaration

Blue Oaks Commerce Center

 View  Notice of Determination - City Council
View Notice of Determination - Planning Commission
View Addendum to Blue Oaks Commerce Center Mitigated Negative Declaration

Blue Oaks Retail Center Phase 2

View Notice of Determination
View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Campus Oaks

View Master Plan Amendment
View Notice of Availability of an Initial Study and Addendum
View Appendix A
 View  2018 Addendum 
         Campus Oaks and Sierra Vista Amendments 
 View Combined CEQA Document 
 View Combined CEQA Document Attachments 
 View Notice of Determination 

Circle K

 View Notice of Determination   
 View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration   

Costco West Roseville

View 10th Addendum to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan EIR
 View  Attachment 1 - SVSP Table of Applicable Mitigation Measures
View Attachment 2 - Ramboll Health Risk Assessment Memo
 View  Attachment 3 - Kittelson Trip Generation Memo

          The Crawford Apartments  
 View Environmental Assessment   
 View Environmental Review Record   
         Creekside C6 Retail
 View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
         Creekview Family Apartments
View Creekview Family Apartments South Environmental Assessment (EA)   
 View  Creekview Family Apartments South Environmental Review Record (ERR)  
 View  Creekview Family Apartments North Environmental Assessment (EA)   
 View Creekview Family Apartments North Environmental Review Record (ERR)
  View  Notice of Determination - City Council   
  View  Notice of Determination - Planning Commission  
 View 7th Addendum to the Sierra Vista Specific Plan EIR  

Eureka Gateway Medical Office Building

View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration  
View Attachment 1 - Air Quality Study  
View Attachment 2 - Traffic Evaluation  
View Exhibit A - Site Plan  
View Exhibit B - Landscape Plan  
View Exhibit C - Building Elevations  
View Exhibit D - Building Renderings  
 View  Negative Declaration  

          Fiddyment Road Self-Storage
 View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
 View Notice of Determination  

          Foothills 30 Grading Plan
 View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
         Goddard School  
 View Notice of Determination   
 View Addendum to the Plaza at Blue Oaks Mitigated Negative Declaration    

          Green Acres
 View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
          Hampton Inn and Element Hotel  
  View  Notice of Determination  
 View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration   

Hayden Parkway Apartments

View Environmental Assessment  
View Environmental Review Record Cover Page  
 View  Environmental Review Record Appendix A - CalEEMod Results  
 View  Environmental Review Record Appendix B - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment  
View Environmental Review Record Appendix C - Sacred Land File Search Results  
 View  Environmental Review Record Appendix D - Records Search Results   
 View  Environmental Review Record Appendix E - Additional Sources - Part I  
 View  Environmental Review Record Appendix E - Additional Sources - Part II   
View Environmental Review Record Appendix E - Additional Sources - Part III  
View Environmental Review Record Appendix E - Additional Sources - Part IV  

Honda Motorsports Tree Removal

 View Negative Declaration  

Huntington Senior Apartments

 View Mitigated Negative Declaration  

Industrial Ave Self-Storage

View  Mitigated Negative Declaration  
 View   Notice of Determination  
         The Ivy at Blue Oaks  
 View Addendum (Fourth Addendum to the Hewlett Packard Master Plan EIR)  
 View Notice of Determination   

John Adams Academy

View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
View Attachment 1 - Multipurpose Room Program Document  
View Attachment 2 - Traffic Access and Circulation Evaluation  
View Attachment 3 - Traffic Impact  
View Attachment 4 - Arborist Report  
View Exhibits A-E  
View Exhibit F - Mitigation Monitoring  

Johnson Ranch Storage

View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
         Kaiser Roseville Inpatient Bed Tower Project  
View Notice of Preparation of a Supplement to the Kaiser Permanente Roseville Medical Center Expansion Project EIR (SCH #2003062014)  
View Notice of Availability of Draft Supplemental EIR   
View Draft Supplemental EIR   
View Draft Supplemental EIR - Appendices A-G    
View Final Supplemental EIR    
View Final Supplemental EIR - Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program   
View Notice of Determination - Planning Commission    
View Notice of Determination - City Council    
         March Road Self Storage and RV Storage  
 View Notice of Determination   
 View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration   

Mourier M-31 Apartments

View Mitigated Negative Declaration  

NCRSP PCL 40 - Skilled Nursing Facility

View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
 View  Notice of Determination   

NIPA PCL 25 Rezone and General Plan Amendment

View 2019 Addendum   

Parcel 49 - Lot 7

View Addendum to the Bayside Church/Topgolf Mitigated Negative Declaration  

Play Care Commercial

View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
View Attachment 1 - Mitigation Monitoring  
 View  Exhibits  
         Plaza at Blue Oaks
 View  Mitigated Negative Declaration  
 View  Notice of Determination - Planning Commission Approval  
 View  Notice of Determination - City Council Approval  
        Quick Quack Car Wash  
  View  Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration   
 View Notice of Determination  
         Recess Self Storage & Washington Crossing
 View  Mitigated Negative Declaration  
         Roseville 80
 View  Mitigated Negative Declaration  

Roseville Golfland East Parking Lot

View Mitigated Negative Declaration  
 View  Attachment 1 - Mitigation Monitoring   
View Attachment 2 - Design Review Permit Exhibits  
View Attachment 3 - Biological Resources Assessment  

Roseville Old Town Lofts

View Mitigated Negative Declaration

Shea Center Apartments Rezone

View Addendum to the 2035 General Plan EIR and Checklist
 View Notice of Determination 

Sierra View County Club & Sierra Vista Specific Plan Redesignation and Rezone Project, File # PL21-0161 and File # PL21-0162

View Notice of Determination - City Council 2nd Reading 
View Notice of Determination - City Council 
View Notice of Determination - Planning Commission
View SV-SVSP Project CEQA Document with MND and Addendum
View SV-SVSP Project CEQA Document Addendum Attachments
 View SV-SVSP Project CEQA Document MND Attachments 1-9
 View SV-SVSP Project CEQA Document MND Attachments 10-15
          Sikh Temple
 View Negative Declaration 
 View Exhibits
          Sprinter Roseville
 View Initial Study/Negative Declaration 
 View Notice of Determination - Planning Commission 
 View Notice of Determination - City Council 

SVSP JMC Tentative Map #2

View Addendum

Sutter Roseville Expansion 

View Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration
View Attachment 1 - Air Quality - Greenhouse Gas Analysis
View Attachment 2 - Transportation Impact
View Attachment 3 - Helicopter Flight Path
View Exhibit A - Site Plan
View Exhibit B - Landscape Plan
View Exhibit C - Elevations

Sutter MOB 7

View Notice of Determination 
View Initial Study/Negative Declaration

Sutter Parking Garage Expansion

View  Notice of Determination - City Council 
Notice of Determination - Planning Commission
View Initial Study/Negative Declaration

Tommy's Carwash

View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Verizon Riverside Monopine

View Mitigated Negative Declaration

The Villages at Kit Carson

View Mitigated Negative Declaration

Westpark Retail

View 2019 Addendum (2nd Addendum) to the West Roseville Specific Plan EIR

Wills Rd. U-Haul

View Mitigated Negative Declaration

West Roseville Marketplace

 View  Notice of Determination 
View Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Westbrook Storage

 View Initial Study/Negative Declaration
View Notice of Determination

WRSP W-20 Coffee Shack

View Mitigated Negative Declaration
 View Notice of Determination - Planning Commission Approval
 View Notice of Determination - City Council Approval