Ø All
applications initially come in as a Preapplication. So, once you have submitted your
preapplication your record will be given a preapplication number in this
format: BD-PREAPP##-#### (e.g.,
Ø All
applications must be submitted electronically online through our OPS Portal.
You must have a registered account in order to
create an application.
Please follow these step-by-step instructions to
register for an account. (Click HERE)
§ Select
the “Building/Fire Systems” module.
Select the “Create an Application” link.

Read the disclaimer, then click the box next to
“I have read and accepted the above terms.”
Then click the “Continue Application” button.
Complete all fields marked with an asterisk and
continue to the following application pages by clicking the “Continue
Application” button.
Our Electronic Submittal Checklists provide some
guidance regarding the dropdown selections applicable to the project
scope. Please reference the checklist
for this information.
If you need further assistance, please feel free
to contact us at (916) 774-5332 or [email protected].
If you should need to step away from your
application before submitting, you may click the “Save and resume later”

City staff are unable to see your application until you actually submit the
application. You can identify an
incomplete/unsubmitted application by the record number format. These records will show up on your “My
Records” list as ##TMP-###### (e.g., 23TMP-002252).

Temporary applications EXPIRE after 30 calendar days.
When you are ready to continue completing your
application, select the “Resume Application” link in the far-right column under

You will have the option to start from the
beginning or to pick up where you left off.

Uploading files:
This is where we sometimes wish we were still working with paper
documents! Electronic files consist of
many formats, sizing, data, layers, and special features. It’s important to pay attention to the
formatting requirements our database requires in order to avoid delays in
processing your documents.
You can locate PDF submittal requirements by
following this LINK,
and the “Attachments” page of the online application has links to helpful

Important things to NOTE! If you want to avoid unnecessary delays,
please do the following:
Keep file names simple. Some projects may consist of 100+
documents. The most simple and clear
file names are much more easily identified by both applicant and city staff.
Structural Calcs
T24 Energy Calcs
Avoid all special characters in the file
name. Some special characters are
not recognized by the plan check database system and cannot be read. This may cause a glitch in the system,
preventing staff from being able to perform plan review.
Bookmark all Plan File pages/sheets, using
ONLY the sheet number. All other
formats will be replaced, causing further delay in accepting the plans for
A0.01, A0.2, P1.0, E2.0, etc.
A0.01-Site Plan, A0.2 Accessibility, P1.0-Plumbing Schematic 143, E2.0
One Line Diagram, etc.
Please follow these step-by-step instructions
for uploading documents to your application.
(Click HERE)
How to apply file categories: Plans, Technical Documents, Documents,
Comments, Correspondence, Photos
This would be any plan drawing that needs to be reviewed for code
compliance and approval for permit issuance.
Technical Documents: These would be any documents generated to
support code compliance, which need to be reviewed and approved for permit
issuance. (e.g., structural calcs, truss
calcs, soils/geotechnical reports, hydraulic calcs, Accessibility Worksheet,
electrical load worksheet, etc.)
These would be application forms (e.g., Asbestos NESHAPS Declaration of
Notification Compliance, Air Quality Certificate of Compliance for Residential
Construction, Unified Program Consolidated (CUPA), etc.) and other documents
that do not need to be reviewed for code compliance.
These include comment/correction letters, as well as applicant responses
to outstanding comments.
This would include any written correspondence uploaded to the record to
be memorialized.
This would be any photos uploaded to the record. (NOTE:
Please do not use this category for photos of Plans, Technical
Documents, Documents, Comments, or Correspondences.)
At the end of the application, you will be
provided the opportunity to review the information you entered/uploaded.
If any corrections are necessary, you can select
a prior page in the online application by clicking the applicable “Building
Pre-Application” box/page you want to return to.

A message will pop up at the top of the page
requesting you to verify that you want to leave the current page. Click the “Leave” button.

Once you have updated the necessary information,
continue to click the “Continue Application” button until you return to the
“Review” page.
If everything looks correct, review the
declarations noted at the bottom of the page, click the box next to “By
checking this box, I agree to the above certification”, then click the
“Continue Application” button.

All done!