The processing of the Roseville Industrial Park is currently on pause while the project applicant, Panattoni Development Corporation, pursues additional public outreach. See the message from Panattoni below.
The City of Roseville will not be actively processing the application or preparing responses to the public comments regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), while Panattoni conducts its outreach.
At the conclusion of Panattoni’s outreach, the City will notify all interested parties of the next steps. If significant changes to the project description occur, there is the potential for additional environmental analysis and the possible need to recirculate the DEIR for public comment.
The City will continue to update this project webpage and notify interested parties when new information arises. Subscribe to the project list.
Message from Panattoni:
“Panattoni Development Corporation is committed to work with Roseville and surrounding communities to plan for the future uses of the Philips Road site located in western Roseville.
As such, we plan to hold a series of “living room” meetings with residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. Our goal with these meetings is for small groups to weigh in on appropriate uses for the site, given the city’s economic development planning goals for this area of West Roseville. Our intent is to leave each meeting with a design that outlines a proposed vision of the site from the group.
We plan to start these meetings in mid May and have them run at least throughout the summer.
Once we have completed all of our living room design meetings, we will schedule a larger community meeting to present the results of each meeting and discuss next steps.
For more information about these meetings or to host a meeting, please contact Abbie Wertheim at: [email protected]”