City’s proposed FY22-23 budget promotes fiscal responsibility with a focus on mission

Updated May 31, 2022

The proposed Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget for the City of Roseville includes $788 million in revenue and $767 million in expenses, $70 million of which is due to a one-time loan the City is handling on behalf of the South Placer Wastewater Authority.

More than half of the City’s overall revenues and expenses are related to the operation of the community owed electric, water, wastewater and refuse utilities.

The proposed budget directly supports the City’s mission to provide exceptional services in a fiscally responsible manner. Some of the specific funded goals in the budget include:

  • Fully staff police beat in West Roseville, provide additional animal control staffing, and continue to develop the Real Time Crime Center.
  • Expand graffiti abatement program.
  • Invest in capital improvements and rehabilitation, including the Roseville Sports Complex and improvements to Weber Park and Johnson Pool.
  • Support business growth, attract private investments, and deliver housing options in ways that enhance community vitality.
  • Participate in regional efforts to identify strategies to address homelessness.
  • Pay down unfunded liabilities to improve the City’s financial condition.
  • Reach economic stabilization and emergency reserves funding goals to maintain city services during the next recession.

 FY22-23 revenue       

  FY 22-23 Expenses

The proposed budget and an overview Budget in Brief can be viewed at

The City Manager’s Budget Message, which provides an overview of the economic climate, and the City’s situation, opportunities, and challenges can be viewed at

General Fund

The City’s General Fund proposed budget, which consists of public safety, parks, libraries, public works and general government operations, is $212 million (28 percent of the overall proposed budget.)

General sales and use tax, property tax and Measure B sales tax make up more than 75 percent of the City’s revenue for General Fund use.

General Fund Revenue
FY 22-23 General Fund Revenues

Providing public safety services (Police and Fire Departments) makes up almost half of the General Fund expenses.

FY 22-23 General Fund Expenses


How can I participate in the budget process?

Public participation in the budget process is essential to establishing citywide budget priorities.

The City Council held a public budget hearing on Tuesday, May 31 in the City Council Chambers. Watch it here.

The Council will consider the budget for adoption at its regular meeting at 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 15. 

Get answers to your budget questions by calling (916) 774-5319 or emailing [email protected].