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The implementation of certain Housing Element programs requires the preparation of additional policies and projects to meet the City’s housing goals, which will include public outreach and public hearings. The City is currently working on the below Programs. The website will be updated at the beginning of each month to reflect updated information, if any, and critical updates (such as the publication of draft materials) will be announced on the Updates page. An e-mail will be distributed to the interested persons list when new materials are added to the Updates page.

Program 10, Non-Residential Construction Fee: The nexus study and discussion materials for the non-residential construction fee, known as the Commercial Linkage Fee, have been completed and are available for review on the Documents page.

Program 14, Rezone Program: This program includes four strategies, called the Commercial Corridors, Infill Intensification, Opportunity Sites, and Vacant Sites strategies, which must result in the achievement of the City’s 6,178-unit lower income housing target by 2024. The Commercial Corridors Project has been initiated, and project updates can be found at  The Infill Intensification strategy is currently anticipated to be initiated in late 2022, after the Commercial Corridors project has been completed. The City is actively working on the Opportunity Sites strategy, and is anticipating the receipt of multiple projects pursuant to this strategy before the end of 2021. The City has also begun development of an outreach plan for the Vacant Sites strategy, and will update this website with the initial draft policy document and outreach plan before the end of 2021.

Program 18, Accessory Dwelling Unit Outreach Program: This program includes the creation of a brochure and other materials to educate multi-family property owners about their ability to use the accessory dwelling unit process to add units to their property. A brochure for both multi-family and single-family property owners has been created pursuant to this program, and are available below.

Accessory Dwelling Units - Multi-Family

Accessory Dwelling Units - Single-Family

Program 28, Support for Housing for Disabilities and Program 34, Special Needs Housing Laws: The City is currently scoping the development of a Zoning Ordinance update, which will include updates pursuant to these programs.