Call us first if you’re experiencing sewer issues

Updated March 04, 2019
Call us first if you’re experiencing sewer issues

If you’re experiencing sewer problems, including sewer backups, call us at (916) 774-5750. Together, we can determine the next step. When we come out to your home or business, we can inspect the pipes coming from your home and diagnose if the problem is on your side or not.

Any issues related to your sewer can be a result of a number of things, including:

  • Flushing things down the toilet that aren’t meant to be flushed.
  • Cooking grease that can build up on walls of your sewer lateral (the pipe between your home and the street) overtime.
  • Tree roots — trees and shrubs need water, and their root systems seek water and eventually plug the pipe.

For more information about keeping your sewer running without interruptions, visit: